Vim emulation: ESC to enter normal mode
Vim emulation: Ctrl-[ to enter normal mode
Vim emulation: Simultaneous jk to toggle normal-insert mode
Vim emulation: Simultaneous sd to toggle normal-insert mode
Vim emulation: Right shift double tap to toggle normal-insert mode
Vim emulation: Vim emulation core part
Vim emulation: Enable the display notification when the mode is changed: toggle by Ctrl-Cmd-Shift-v
sticky semicolon - shift modifier
semicolon | set_variable: {"name"=>"sticky_semicolon", "value"=>1} |
a | shift-a, set_variable: {"name"=>"sticky_semicolon", "value"=>0} |
b | shift-b, set_variable: {"name"=>"sticky_semicolon", "value"=>0} |
c | shift-c, set_variable: {"name"=>"sticky_semicolon", "value"=>0} |
d | shift-d, set_variable: {"name"=>"sticky_semicolon", "value"=>0} |
e | shift-e, set_variable: {"name"=>"sticky_semicolon", "value"=>0} |
f | shift-f, set_variable: {"name"=>"sticky_semicolon", "value"=>0} |
g | shift-g, set_variable: {"name"=>"sticky_semicolon", "value"=>0} |
h | shift-h, set_variable: {"name"=>"sticky_semicolon", "value"=>0} |
i | shift-i, set_variable: {"name"=>"sticky_semicolon", "value"=>0} |
j | shift-j, set_variable: {"name"=>"sticky_semicolon", "value"=>0} |
k | shift-k, set_variable: {"name"=>"sticky_semicolon", "value"=>0} |
l | shift-l, set_variable: {"name"=>"sticky_semicolon", "value"=>0} |
m | shift-m, set_variable: {"name"=>"sticky_semicolon", "value"=>0} |
n | shift-n, set_variable: {"name"=>"sticky_semicolon", "value"=>0} |
o | shift-o, set_variable: {"name"=>"sticky_semicolon", "value"=>0} |
p | shift-p, set_variable: {"name"=>"sticky_semicolon", "value"=>0} |
q | shift-q, set_variable: {"name"=>"sticky_semicolon", "value"=>0} |
r | shift-r, set_variable: {"name"=>"sticky_semicolon", "value"=>0} |
s | shift-s, set_variable: {"name"=>"sticky_semicolon", "value"=>0} |
t | shift-t, set_variable: {"name"=>"sticky_semicolon", "value"=>0} |
u | shift-u, set_variable: {"name"=>"sticky_semicolon", "value"=>0} |
v | shift-v, set_variable: {"name"=>"sticky_semicolon", "value"=>0} |
w | shift-w, set_variable: {"name"=>"sticky_semicolon", "value"=>0} |
x | shift-x, set_variable: {"name"=>"sticky_semicolon", "value"=>0} |
y | shift-y, set_variable: {"name"=>"sticky_semicolon", "value"=>0} |
z | shift-z, set_variable: {"name"=>"sticky_semicolon", "value"=>0} |
vk_none, set_variable: {"name"=>"sticky_semicolon", "value"=>0} |
Fn Lock
fn | set_variable: {"name"=>"fn_lock", "value"=>1} |
fn | set_variable: {"name"=>"fn_lock", "value"=>0} |
0 | fn-0 |
1 | fn-1 |
2 | fn-2 |
3 | fn-3 |
4 | fn-4 |
5 | fn-5 |
6 | fn-6 |
7 | fn-7 |
8 | fn-8 |
9 | fn-9 |
a | fn-a |
b | fn-b |
c | fn-c |
d | fn-d |
e | fn-e |
f | fn-f |
g | fn-g |
h | fn-h |
i | fn-i |
j | fn-j |
k | fn-k |
l | fn-l |
m | fn-m |
n | fn-n |
o | fn-o |
p | fn-p |
q | fn-q |
r | fn-r |
s | fn-s |
t | fn-t |
u | fn-u |
v | fn-v |
w | fn-w |
x | fn-x |
y | fn-y |
z | fn-z |
For HHKB ((Shift-)Esc to grave accent (tilde))
iTerm2 command (Meta) keys
ESC sends EISU ESC ESC when language is ja
escape | japanese_eisuu, escape, escape |
Control-[ sends EISU ESC ESC when language is ja
control-open_bracket | japanese_eisuu, escape, escape |
Copy and Paste, ctrl-z/x/c/v to cmd-z/x/c/v
control-z | command-z |
control-x | command-x |
control-c | command-c |
control-v | command-v |
Next/Prev by cmd-i/o, cmd-left/right arrow
command-i | command-close_bracket |
command-o | command-open_bracket |
option-right_arrow | command-close_bracket |
option-left_arrow | command-open_bracket |
Disable Ctrl-W at Remote Deskotp Tool
control-w | vk_none |
Cmd-(Shift-)Tab to Cmd-Opt-Right(Left) (Select Next(Previous) Tab), 次(前)のタブを表示)
command-tab | command-shift-close_bracket |
command-shift-tab | command-shift-open_bracket |
Opt-(Shift-)Tab to Cmd-(Shift-)Tab (Select Next(Previous) App), 次(前)のアプリを表示)
option-tab | command-tab |
option-shift-tab | command-shift-tab |
Ctrl-N(P) to Cmd-Opt-Right(Left) (Select Next(Previous) Tab), 次(前)のタブを表示)
control-n | command-shift-close_bracket |
control-p | command-shift-open_bracket |
d | command-w |
u | command-z |
t | command-t |
Microsoft Office (ctrl-h, font, superscript/subscript)
control-h | delete_or_backspace |
control-command-shift-s | command-t, tab, s, y, m, b, o, l, return_or_enter |
control-command-shift-h | command-t, tab, h, e, l, v, e, t, i, c, a, return_or_enter |
control-equal_sign | command-t, tab, tab, tab, tab, tab, tab, tab, tab, tab, tab, spacebar, return_or_enter |
control-hyphen | command-t, tab, tab, tab, tab, tab, tab, tab, tab, tab, tab, tab, spacebar, return_or_enter |
Obsidian Search
control-command-e | command-shift-f |
control-command-e | command-shift-f |
Obsidian minimize
command-4 | shell_command: osascript ~/Library/Scripts/closeToDock.scpt |
control-4 | shell_command: osascript ~/Library/Scripts/closeToDock.scpt |
Toggle Obsidian
control-command-q | |
control-command-q |
Toggle Notion
control-command-n | |
control-command-n |
Toggle ChatGPT
control-command-g | |
control-command-g |
Toggle Cursor
control-command-r | |
control-command-r |
Toggle Chrome
control-command-c | |
control-command-c |
Toggle iTerm2
control-command-t | |
control-command-t |
Toggle Slack
control-command-s | |
control-command-s |
Change cmd-ctrl-h/j/k/l to arrow keys
control-command-h | left_arrow |
control-command-j | down_arrow |
control-command-k | up_arrow |
control-command-l | right_arrow |
Window Actions
command-4 | shell_command: osascript ~/Library/Scripts/close.scpt |
control-4 | shell_command: osascript ~/Library/Scripts/close.scpt |
control-command-a | shell_command: osascript ~/Library/Scripts/closeToDock.scpt |
option-spacebar | shell_command: osascript ~/Library/Scripts/focusMenu.scpt |
option-period | shell_command: osascript ~/Library/Scripts/moveForMon.scpt |
command-shift-slash | shell_command: osascript ~/Library/Scripts/moveForMonAll.scpt |
control-shift-y | shell_command: osascript ~/Library/Scripts/windowMoveLeft.scpt |
control-shift-u | shell_command: osascript ~/Library/Scripts/windowMoveDown.scpt |
control-shift-i | shell_command: osascript ~/Library/Scripts/windowMoveUp.scpt |
control-shift-o | shell_command: osascript ~/Library/Scripts/windowMoveRight.scpt |
command-control-y | shell_command: osascript ~/Library/Scripts/winMoveScreenLeft.scpt |
command-control-u | shell_command: osascript ~/Library/Scripts/winMoveScreenDown.scpt |
command-control-i | shell_command: osascript ~/Library/Scripts/winMoveScreenUp.scpt |
command-control-o | shell_command: osascript ~/Library/Scripts/winMoveScreenRight.scpt |
command-control-return_or_enter | shell_command: osascript ~/Library/Scripts/wsFull.scpt |
command-shift-return_or_enter | shell_command: osascript ~/Library/Scripts/wsFull.scpt |
command-control-shift-return_or_enter | shell_command: osascript ~/Library/Scripts/wsHalf.scpt |
command-shift-h | shell_command: osascript ~/Library/Scripts/wsHalfLeft.scpt |
command-shift-j | shell_command: osascript ~/Library/Scripts/wsHalfBottom.scpt |
command-shift-k | shell_command: osascript ~/Library/Scripts/wsHalfTop.scpt |
command-shift-l | shell_command: osascript ~/Library/Scripts/wsHalfRight.scpt |
command-control-shift-h | shell_command: osascript ~/Library/Scripts/wsLU.scpt |
command-control-shift-j | shell_command: osascript ~/Library/Scripts/wsLD.scpt |
command-control-shift-k | shell_command: osascript ~/Library/Scripts/wsRU.scpt |
command-control-shift-l | shell_command: osascript ~/Library/Scripts/wsRD.scpt |
command-shift-y | shell_command: osascript ~/Library/Scripts/windowResizeWidthMinus.scpt |
command-shift-u | shell_command: osascript ~/Library/Scripts/windowResizeHeightPlus.scpt |
command-shift-i | shell_command: osascript ~/Library/Scripts/windowResizeHeightMinus.scpt |
command-shift-o | shell_command: osascript ~/Library/Scripts/windowResizeWidthPlus.scpt |
Mouse cursor move using Karabiner's functions
control-shift-h | |
control-shift-j | |
control-shift-k | |
control-shift-l | |
control-shift-n | button1 |
control-shift-m | button3 |
control-shift-p | button2 |
Control-[ to ESC
control-open_bracket | escape |
Control-j to Return
control-j | return_or_enter |
Control-h to Backspace
control-h | delete_or_backspace |
Others (Dock, Lock, Delete, IME, Misison Control, Spotlight)
control-m | control-f3 |
option-l | control-command-q |
command-d | command-delete_or_backspace |
control-delete_or_backspace | command-delete_or_backspace |
control-spacebar | option-control-spacebar |
command-spacebar | option-control-spacebar |
command-control-shift-y | control-left_arrow |
command-control-shift-o | control-right_arrow |
command-control-f | command-spacebar |